• Natural Resources for Sustainable Development in Eurasia.


22 Sep, 2022 637

On 10th of June, 2022, the results of the Open Budget Survey-2021 (OBS-2021) concerning the Azerbijan’s indicators have been presented by the local experts – Ingilab Ahmadov and Azer Mehtiyev via online meeting with the representatives of different sectors – state, civil society, media and academic. Overall, more than 30 people were participating at the online meeting.

Since the results pointed to higher scores of Azerbaijan in comparison to the previous year’s scores, there has been a substantial discussion around these scores. The discussions mainly went around whether the higher scores are the reflection of reality or is it methodological issue.

Both the representatives of Ministry of Finance and independent experts have thoroughly discussed the different perspectives and approaches to the topic. While acknowledging the success of the budget transparency component as achieving high scores, the other important components of OBS such as public participation and budget oversight were still subject to criticism by the experts.

As a conclusion of the discussions which lasted almost 2 hours, a constructive exchange of opinions was made on the ways to improve all the components of the budget openness and achieving better results in the upcoming years’ OBS.

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