With a small financial support provided by the PWYP Secretariat, the National Coalition of Azerbaijan has recently held bilateral online conferences with the national coalitions of Kyrgyzstan (15.04.2021) and Ukraine (22.04.2021).
Both online conferences had a busy agenda with very interesting topics related to the EITI processes, and both conferences lasted over 3 hours.
During the online conferences the leaders of national coalitions (from Kyrgyzstan, Kaliya Moldogazieva, coordinator of the EITI Consortium, from Ukraine, Vitaliy Filenko, coordinator of the Energy Transparency Association (PWYP National Coalition in Ukraine), from Azerbaijan, Himayat Rizvangyzy, coordinator EITI Coalitions) made interesting presentations about the history, organizational structure, members, opportunities and challenges of the coalitions they represent. During both online conferences, representatives of the National Coalition gave a speech (at the first meeting, Rysbay Sarybaev and Gulnara Izbasarova from Kyrgyzstan, Ilgar Huseynli from Azerbaijan, and during the second meeting, Vitaly Filenko from Ukraine, and Fuad Hasanov from Azerbaijan, a member of the Coalition Council) and provided extensive and comprehensive information about the real situation of independent civil society in their countries and answered a number of questions asked by the conference participants.
One of the reports presented during online conferences was the report of Olena Povlenko, who deservedly represents the Eurasian region in the PWYP Global Council. The report was titled “Cooperation within the Eurasian Region PWYP: Opportunities for Ukraine and Azerbaijan”.
You can find a brief indformation about each conference below:
Online conference of the National Coalitions of Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan on April 15, 2021 a)Studying the experience of Kyrgyzstan
On the measures taken by the National Coalition of Kyrgyzstan to open contracts,
- "Study of the existing legal framework, including disclosure of contracts", speaker Kalia Moldogazieva.
- "Study of legal norms, legal foundations related to beneficial ownership", speaker Nazik Imanbekova.
- “Interaction of civil society with government agencies on EITI processes”, Jamil Hajiyev, member of the Coalition Council.
“Oil contracts in Azerbaijan. Types of contracts, their effectiveness ”, Ilham Shaban, member of the coalition, renowned expert on oil issues.
b) Studying the experience of Azerbaijan
Online conference of the National Coalitions of Azerbaijan and Ukraine on 04/22/2021
- Exchange of information on the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the occupied territories of both countries (Nagorno-Karabakh, Crimea, Donbass, etc.)
From Ukraine, Olga Khaulyak, Vitaly Filenko, representatives of the MGSS from civil society.
From Azerbaijan, Jamil Hajiyev, member of the Coalition Council Studying the Ukrainian experience
- "The experience of the Ukrainian coalition in the legal profession of contracts and the legal framework for disclosing contracts", Olga Polunina, Dixie Group
“Studying the experience of supporting local communities in regions where profit goes”, Olga Khaulyak - Agency for Development and Cooperation, Natalya Sidorenko- G.O. Institute for Reforming and Informatization of Society.