• Natural Resources for Sustainable Development in Eurasia.

EITI Training in Azerbaijan

Baku, Azerbaijan 30 Nov, -0001 580

Overall twelve participants joined the training.

On the first day Ingilab Ahmadov and Gubad Ibadoglu covered the topics of: Tenets of EITI, EITI standard and requirements. These sessions provided an in-depth understanding of New EITI Standard. Participants discussed the last meeting of EITI international board in Astana and perspectives of Azerbaijan’s status in EITI.

Azer Mehdiyev, Ingilab Ahmadov and Sabit Bagirov delivered the topics of Quasi-fiscal transactions, State Owned Enterprises and Beneficial Ownership on the second day. The sessions were followed by Q&A sessions and topics such as Beneficial Ownership and Quasi-fiscal transactions caused particular interest of the training participants.

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