Nijat Garayev is an expert on income generation and livelihood development at German International Development Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. He is specialized in the development, implementation, and monitoring of economic development programs and is currently supporting the development of entrepreneurial income generation and employability schemes in vulnerable rural communities of displaced persons. Prior to GIZ, he led BP’s Social Investment team in developing and implementing educational and income generation programs at national and local levels.He is also lecturing on Development Economics, International Trade, and International Finance at Khazar University, School of Economics and Management and Microeconomics and Macroeconomics at Azerbaijan University of Economics since 2012. Nijat has a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from Utrecht University and his master’s degree in political economy and development from the University of Manchester. His interests are in experimental and theoretical approaches to economic development; definition and measurement of income inequality and poverty, and industrial policy; theories of political economy, and varieties of capitalism.