The Eurasia Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub was established in 2010 at Khazar University as a regional focal point of Natural Resource Governance Institute’s (NRGI) Global HUB program. The Hub has become a leading center of expertise and capacity-building in the fields of oil, gas and mining in the region of post-communist Eurasia. Khazar University (KU) is an independent research-oriented private university in Azerbaijan. In partnership with Khazar University, NRGI has offered a wide range of courses on the extractive industries decision chain and thematic courses in issues relevant to the Eurasia region, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), fiscal revenue management and economic diversification. Currently, Eurasia Hub has more than 400 alumni in oil and mineral exporting countries of the region.
The long-term objective is to build capacity in Eurasia to influence oil, gas and mining governance in the region. The Eurasia hub is one of six regional hubs NRGI is creating in partnership with academic institutions to offer training and support for civil society organizations, members of parliament and journalists in Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Latin America and Middle East/North Africa. Even though some oversight bodies in the Eurasia region have basic knowledge of the extractive industries sector, most of the capacity building and training initiatives undertaken so far in this arena have been too haphazard to create significant momentum toward influencing government policy. For more information, please see:
Our mission is to transfer knowledge and skills to civil society representatives and other stakeholders along the extractive industries value chain in effective and transparent management of natural resources.
Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.